Sunt oameni cărora le este dat să guste numai otrava din lucruri, pentru care orice surpriză este o surpriză dureroasă şi orice experienţă un nou prilej de tortură.
duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013
sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013
duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: Violet Song jat Shariff. Tell me I'm wrong
Violet: You're wrong.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: Why are you doing this?
Violet: Because I hate humans with every fiber of my being... and I'll kill every single one of them... almost as quickly as they'll try and kill me.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: You used to be human.
Violet: But not anymore, right? I got sick and now I'm something less than human. Something worthy of extermination.
L.L.D.D. Chief of Research: It's academic now, isn't it? You won't make it out of here with that case.
Violet: Watch me.
joi, 17 ianuarie 2013
miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013
marți, 15 ianuarie 2013
vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013
Fake friends...fake friends everywhere!
joi, 10 ianuarie 2013
miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013
Age : 15
Allergic: to idiots :)
Animal: Nu inca,dar as vrea un husky.
Actors: Carey Mulligan,Winona Ryder,Dylan O'brien
Birthday/Birthplace: 16.07.1998 - Bucuresti
Best Friends: Charlotte Beatrice.
Body Part on opposite sex: Ochii
Best Feeling in the world: Cand primesc o surpriza frumoasa.
Best weather: Ploaia.
Been in Love: Da.
Been on stage?: Da.
Believe in yourself: In general, da.
Believe in life on other planets: Nu
Believe in miracles: Nu :)
Believe in magic: Sa zicem..
Believe in God: Nu.
Believe in Satan: Nu.
Believe in Santa: Ce bine ar fi... dar nu.
Believe in Ghosts/spirits: mm..da
Believe in Evolution: Da, nu as vrea sa ma impac cu ideea ca ne oprim aici.
Candy: Daaa!
Color: rosu,galben,verde
Cried in school: Din pacate..Off..crizele sentimentale :))
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilie
Chinese/Mexican: Chinezeasca.
Cake or pie: Both!
Countries to visit: Japonia,Korea,Anglia,Africa.
Day or Night: Night ofc..
Danced: Da :>
Danced in the rain?: poate spune si asa :)))
Danced in the middle of the street: Nu :))
Eggs: Serios?!
Eyes: Albastri spre gri :)
Everyone has: Lies/Secrets.
Ever failed a class?: Nu.
First crush: Hell no x_x
Full name: Iulia C. ajunge ;)
First thought waking up: More sleep.
Fruits: Toate, dar in special bananele si ciresele.
Greatest Fear: doesn't matter
Giver or taker: Taker :D
Gum: Orbit verde pastilutee! :3
Good luck charms: Lanticul meu cu rosu,galben si verde.
Hair color: Blond,dar l-am vopsit roscat.
Height: 1,65
Happy: Da, aproape intotdeauna.
How do you want to die: In bratele cuiva special!
Hate: hmpf..cand cineva drag ma ignora. :|
(In guys/girls)
Ochii: Nu am preferinte, doar sa fie frumosi :))
Hair Colour: Nici aici nu am preferinte.
Height: Desi in general imi plac baietii scunzi,sa zicem cat mine sau putin mai inalt..
Characteristics: Intelegator, amuzant, protectiv.
Ice cream: Vanilie si ciocolata.
Instrument: Nu stiu sa cant la niciun instrument, dar mi-ar placea sa fi stiut la chitara.
Jewerly: Bratari si lantisoare.
Kids: Imi plac copii linistiti..:))
Keep a journal?: Nu, obisnuiam sa fac asta cand eram mai mica, acum ma amuz cand citesc :))
Love: Familia,iubitul,prietenii.
Letter: Am scris de cateva ori...
Love at first sight: O singura data am patit,desi nu credeam..
Milk flavour: Cu ciocolata
Movie: Imi plac comediile,cele horror si SF-urile.
Marriage: Cu siguranta, dar peste ani,
McD's or KFC: KFC
Number of Piercings: Nu am dar mi-ar placea sa-mi fac in limba.
Number: 3
Nickname: Mi se spunea Rin,Dope sau Yuki inainte,acum mi se spune pe nume. :)
One wish: nu stiu..
Place you'd like to live: Japonia.
Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi.
Questionnaires: Da.
Reason to cry: Tristete, nervi, filme/povesti emotionante :))
Roll your tongue in a circle?: Da :D
Smoker?: Da.
Song: Nu am unul preferat
Shoe size: 38-39
Slept outside: Da, in cort.
Shower daily? Da.
Sing well?: Nope :)) Ceea ce nu ma opreste din a canta, totusi.
Scientist need to invent: Teleportarea, poate asa as ajunge si eu la timp la scoala.
Time for bed: Depinde, cand imi e somn :))
Thunderstorms: Ma sperie,dar imi place sa le privesc..
Touch your tongue to your nose? : Am incercat,nu pot :))
Understanding: Da.
Vegetable you hate: Morcovii.
Vegetable you love: Aici nu am o favorita.
Weakness: Superficiala.
When you grow up: I want to be happy,that's all..
Who makes you laugh the most: Adriana =)))
Worst feeling: nu-mi pot da seama acum...
Where do we go when we die?: Sper ca ne reincarnam.
Walk with a book on your head?: Da..
X-Rays: Da.
Year it is now: 2013.
Zoo animal: Sarpele..
Zodiac sign: Rac
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